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November ’24: Sierra Vista Trail – Anthony Gap, NM
If you drive to the far west tip of Texas, if you brave Interstate 10 and unending desert highways, you will be rewarded with views of...

In the Black of the Night
Black Gap WMA, TX I set out to erase a memory last weekend - it’s not the first time – repeating a trip taken before, rinsing to remove...

The Ride
As the horse pushes forward, I close my eyes, hips moving in syncopated rhythm with his. I reach out, caressing the wind, and slide...

Riding the Border: Lajitas Trails in Big Bend, Texas
From Horsehead Crossing on the Pecos River, the Comanche Trail runs south to Fort Stockton / Comanche Springs and there, if you veer...

Horsehead Crossing, Pecos River, TX - Oct '24
Sometimes you must ride through the bones of the past to see the pure sparkling brilliance of the future. It seems such a simple thing,...

Edward Sargent Wildlife Management Area, Chama, NM
What makes a cowgirl? The hat? The boots? The horse pushing and spinning until the herd has settled and all are found? No. Cowgirl is a...

Gabaldon Horse Camp, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, AZ
If you travel enough eventually the names of places, natural and unnatural, begin to repeat – forming some kind of staccato rhythm as you...

I float.
Five feet above the rusty ground, swaying with each step of the horse like the rolling tides of the ocean that seems so very far away in...

Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
The ravens followed us, I’m sure of it, moving off their perch on a nearby hog trap and into the pines. And the dandelions are bigger...

April 13, 2024 – Las Cienegas to Geronimo’s Trail, Peloncillo Mountains
It’s colder today, no doubt a function of yesterday’s wind, but at least it has ceased for now. I imagine it carries a constant presence...

At the confluence of Carson and Santa Fe National Forests and the Chama River Canyon Wilderness, New Mexico
It’s been a minute, since I’ve written to you my love and I am sorry for that. I have been tired, at a loss for words, swept up in this...

Unwanted. She is a mangy thing after all. Her fur a patchwork of desert sand and ash, bristled and wiry. Lush in places, starved in...

El Camino del Diablo, Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, AZ
There is a woman I covet. I lose her. I find her. I lose her again and each time I hope she stays a little longer than the last. Her...

Book excerpt: Lake Arrowhead State Park, Texas - Dec 2020
I dreamt of a coyote last night - trotting along beside me. As oblivious to my presence as I am enamored with hers. A big, scruffy,...

An undercurrent of chaos.
I met a man in Ajo the other day, I could see the boy in him still. Another in Columbus. Where’re ya going cowgirl? A glance downward at...

Miller Canyon Wilderness, Huachuca Mtns, AZ
Who am I and when did that question become so difficult? A mother. A writer. A woman trying to make sense of it all, balancing the past...

It is not my job to please another. Nor yours for that matter. In southern Arizona he wind is still blowing and my face is warm from the...
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